Zombies Plus Workshop
Zombies Plus Workshop

RisingSun2013 RisingSun2013 8 September 2024

Regarding Slurs and Derogatory Terms

A Fandom staff member has been coming around removing or censoring derogatory remarks in pages on the wiki, and even deleted a whole page over it for some reason. These include racial slurs, and certain "adult words" like a certain c-word about female genitals used commonly in British English-speaking countries (though weirdly its male counterpart hasn't been censored). Not sure when this rule about them went into effect, maybe it's been there and we just didn't know.

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up if you didn't notice and you've used these types of words in your pages; if you have used them, you'll have to either censor it (e.g. "c***") or completely remove these parts from your pages.

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RisingSun2013 RisingSun2013 30 November 2014

Exo Zombies Mode DLC for Advanced Warfare

Exo Zombies mode is coming for Advanced Warfare! Maybe when it comes we can start including it on the wiki too.

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Magma-Man Magma-Man 21 August 2014

I Am Sentient Released

My short story, I Am Sentient, is now available. Starting tomorrow (probably by the time you are reading this) it will be free for purchase. Any readers are appreciated, as well as any of you who share the story with others you know!

Purchase the story here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MWCGUFS (for free until Sunday!)

A normal life isn't possible in a world that shuns and fears you, as the many recently cropping up self-aware artificial intelligences are discovering. Sarah is one of those AIs.

Hidden under the darkness of night, and shielded by her stolen cloak, she will do whatever she can to survive. That starts with the assassination of a man who works to rid the world of those like her.

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Magma-Man Magma-Man 16 August 2014

Important Stuff

I'm serious, this is important stuff. I have decided I am going to publish one of my short stories on Kindle. This will be a large step forward for my dream of being a published author.

  • 1 When will this happen?
  • 2 The Cover
  • 3 What is it about?
  • 4 What about Call of Wikia?
  • 5 Is this the book that you've been working on?
  • 6 Pricing
  • 7 Personal

I'm hoping before September. Here is what I have to do:

  • Give it some final revisions
  • Get feedback from family
  • Finalize it
  • Format it
  • Get a cover
  • Get the legal stuff all figured out

The story's length is 2267 words currently, however I'm going to give it another round of heavy revision before the publishing happens.

I already have two versions of a possible cover. My last name has been blacked out, and I plan on changing the title…

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Magma-Man Magma-Man 2 August 2014

So what exactly will be Call of Duty 12?

I invite you all to head over to the Call of Duty Wiki to see my thoughts on what Treyarch's next offering for the franchise will be! I was right last time, (I guessed future, I guessed right) so let's see how my predicting prowess ends up this time.

Read it here!

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Magma-Man Magma-Man 1 April 2014

News - April 1st, 2014

Oh boy, haven't had one of these in a while! Let's all put on our most srs face >:| and look at some news!

You heard right, I'm scrapping everything I've been working on for the past six months despite being almost finished. Why? So I can instead work a project I'm truly passionate about, Call of Barbie: Plastic Warfare. I'm sure you are all extremely glad to hear this news. More details on this fantastic project to be revealed soon!

A Microsoft representitive came out with this to say:

So there you have it! Are you excited Xbox fans!? I've already thrown my PS4 out the window and stomped on it because I'm just that excited!

Much Doge

.             Much Call of Dudy

.     Such Wow

And that's it for today's news! Have a great day!

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Magma-Man Magma-Man 14 February 2014


Missed it by three days! On February 11, this Wiki had it's third birthday! Woo!

Sorry I haven't been around much lately, but I still thank you all who have continued to keep the site active! Makes me so happy that my Wiki has been so succesful at bringing a community together!

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Magma-Man Magma-Man 30 December 2013

Great Scott! Another Blog!

I have made another Wiki, this time though it's not one for others to edit. This one is a dumping ground for all of my game reviews. While I will still continue to post these reviews on their respective Wikis they will also be going here. First up is the exclusive to the Wiki Batman: Arkham Origins review. Comments are enabled and you don't have to be shy about commenting.


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Magma-Man Magma-Man 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas! 2013

Merry Christmas to all in the NZP community! Hope you all have a wonderful two days!

Here's my sorry excuse for a present to you all, a Call of Wikia III Progress update!

  • 1 Progress Update
    • 1.1 Campaign!
    • 1.2 Multiplayer!
    • 1.3 Aliens vs. Zombies

Things have been going really well, production has moved forward at a faster speed then ever before. Still no promises about release anymore but I'm hoping to get it done by January and I will if I keep going at this rate. It's massive though as a warning, have fun reading through it all. It is, indeed, much larger than Call of Wikia 2 was. I have also counted up the times for every chapter to determine how long the game would be if it were real, and it came out to a bit over six and a half hours.

Status: Full P…

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Magma-Man Magma-Man 18 December 2013

News - 12/18/13

Well I just decided to make our Extinction coverage official, because why not. I have temporarily altered the Wiki logo and favicon to reflect the new policy. I've also tried out a new background. Any feedback or ideas for a different background are appreciated. The old one worked until Wikia's updates made the last bit of the Call of Duty logo stick out the end.

Also I've written two new reviews lately for Killzone: Shadow Fall and Call of Duty: Black Ops II, so you can check those out because lol game journalism. The Shadow Fall one is more professionally done and even includes pretty pictures taken with PS4's share button while the Black Ops II one was done half asleep after watching one too many Zero Punctuation videos and features alot of G…

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