Zombies Plus Workshop
Zombies Plus Workshop
The subject of this article was created by DeadRaiser. This article contains depreciated information that is being kept for archival purposes.
“The shadows have been casted, yet they are not present.”
―Richtofen in Einen Langsamen Tod, hinting the storyline.

Casted Shadows is a storyline maps by DeadRaiser. It contains one released map and five planned maps that continue with Remember When...'s storyline which consisted of six maps as well. The focus of this storyline is to find out more about the Zombies, how to defeat them and collect Wonder Weapons from around the World.

Casted Shadows occurs directly after the events of Remember When... and it is the second installment in the Remember When... Saga.

Zombies History World at War Black Ops More Than War: ZEP 1 More Than War: ZEP 2 More Than War: ZEP 3
Main Storyline The Beginning Scavenger Hunt Illusion of Travel Remember When... Casted Shadows Eternal Conflict


Only one map has currently been released, but five more are planned.

Luogo Profano[]

Luogo Profano

Luogo Profano is the first map of the storyline. It is set primarily in Venice, Italy, but it also takes place in the catacombes under the city during the major easter egg. It features a new Perk-a-Cola called Copy Cat Soda and a new Wonder Weapon, the Дезинтегратор Версия 1. Modern weapons are available once again and there are plenty of hidden secrets throughout the map.


Ospiti Indesiderati

Ospiti Indesiderati[]

Ospiti Indesiderati is the second map in the storyline. It is set in the historical district of Rome, Italy, which includes the Colloseum and the Great Fountain. It features a new perk, called Adrenaline Brew along with a new Wonder Weapon, the Arma Special SG-1. It features a giant easter egg, called On My Way.


Mundial de la Vergüenza[]

Mundial de la Vergüenza is planned to be the third map in the Casted Shadows storyline.

Zombies Expansion Pack
Maps The Beginning: Nacht der UntotenVerrücktShi No NumaDer RieseKino der Toten

Scavenger Hunt: AscensionCall of the DeadShangri-La
Illusion of Travel: "Five"Dead Ops ArcadeMoon
Remember When...: Schule der UntotenPlatzieren aus der TotWahnsinnig der KircheKrankenhaus aus VerdammtenGeist WohnhausEinen Langsamen Tod
Casted Shadows: Luogo ProfanoOspiti IndesideratiMundial de la VergüenzaVenganza de OroPourri PaysVieille Dame de Fer
Eternal Conflict: Five unknown mapsEnd

Major Characters Original Group: Tank DempseyNikolai BelinskiTakeo MasakiEdward RichtofenKramer von Frederick (added on after the events of Krankenhaus aus Verdammten.)

White Eagles: Tyler HendersonMichelle NardoneNathaniel CarnelAlexa KimChristopher HopkinsEmilia GarciaDominick MenzelJessica Gallitzas

Minor Characters Ludvig MaxisSophiaPeter McCainHarvey YenaHenry PorterFrederick SchusterNicklas GrophFluffyCheckersMr. DorsetScott
Antagonists Samantha MaxisDead Raiser (Quotes)Ebon Shadowshot (Quotes)Zombie Boss (although he is not a huge antagonist.)
Major Easter Eggs The Beginning: Fly Trap

Scavenger Hunt: Kassimir MechanismOriginal Characters TrappedEclipse
Illusion of Travel: Cryogenic Slumber Party/Richtofen's Grand Scheme
Remember When...: Return from DarknessA Little HelpThe Power WithinMemory RecoveryRichtofen's Finest Hour
Casted Shadows: Catacombe CleansingOn My Way

Casted Shadows
Remember When...----------------------------------------Eternal Conflict
Maps Luogo Profano (Map Layout)Ospiti Indesiderati (Map Layout)Mundial de la Vergüenza (Map Layout)Venganza de Oro (Map Layout)Pourri Pays (Map Layout)Vieille Dame de Fer (Map Layout)
Playable Characters Original Group: Tank DempseyNikolai BelinskiTakeo MasakiEdward RichtofenKramer von Frederick
Other Characters Group 935: Ludvig MaxisSophiaPeter McCainHarvey YenaSamantha MaxisHenry PorterFrederick SchusterNicklas GrophFluffyCheckersMr. DorsetScott
Utilities Pack-a-Punch Machine (Pack-a-Punched Weapons)Mystery BoxPerk Booster MachineSoda MachineElectro-Shock DefensesSentry GunWater TurbineCriss-Cross SlicerBack-Up PowerTeleporterFlame Cannon
Wonder Weapons Дезинтегратор Версия 1Arma Speciale SG-1Feuerstrum WaffeDiablo Rojo Marca 3Disemboweler-II
Major Easter Eggs Catacombe Cleansing
Minor Easter Eggs Coming soon.
Enemies ZombiesHellhoundsCatbeastsCreepersDraugrsSewer RatsSkeletons
Power-ups NukeMax AmmoInsta-KillDouble PointsCarpenterFire SaleRandom Perk BottleUnlimited AmmoBlitzkriegFlamethrowerExplosive RoundsGive-AllDamage Multiplier
Anti power-ups No AmmoJammedPerk-a-LoserBombshellJugsDivided PointsCementGun DropperDeconstructorElectrical Malfunctioning Power-Up
Perk-A-Colas Final Stand Thirst QuencherScavenger DewSpy-Eye WineHardened SodaFireproof BeerMartyrdom Purified WaterPronaide SodaCopy Cat SodaAdrenaline Brew
Quotes Luogo Profano
Radios Luogo Profano
Trivia Luogo Profano
Musical Easter Eggs This City is Bound
Casted Shadows Weapons
Pack-a-Punched Weapons
Assault Rifles M14 RogueAUG A3BAR Type 1 - Grade 5 MagnumFN FALValmet M1982Gewehr 3A4SA-2000MAR70K2AR-18AK-74MREC-7M14 Garand
Submachine Guns PP-19 BizonMP5A4Mini-UziAmerican-180P90K7SM-03PM-2UMP
Sniper Rifles M40A3AWC G2VSS VintorezT-76 Long BowM116FSSM10FCM Scout
Shotguns StrikerMKA 1919AA-12Xtrema 2SPAS-15KS-23Saiga-12
Light Machine Guns AUG HBARQBB-95M60E4LSATMG21
Handguns MP-443 Grach (Also available in dual-wield)P99Model 500SIG P-226CZ-110Grizzly Mk. IM1908Broken M1911 (Luogo Profano only)
Machine Pistols PLR-16MAC-11PP-2000Glock 18OTs-33 PernachKiparis
Grenade/Rocket Launchers M136M202 FLASHPanzerfaust 3M79MGL-140
Special Weapons M134 PortableMk. 19
Equipment KA-BAR Combat KnifeMacheteBowie KnifeClaymoreThrowing KnifeM67 Fragmentation GrenadeM18A1 ClaymoreSemtex
Wonder Weapons ScavengerWunderwaffe DG-2Ray GunMonkey BombThundergunWinter's HowlWave GunMatryoshka DollsZX-7Bear GrenadeVerdampfer Modell 1942Ray Gun V3XM204Arma Speciale SG-1Дезинтегратор Версия 1Feuerstrum WaffeDiablo Rojo Marca 3Disemboweler-II
Cut Weapons PPS-43AEK-971Magpul MasadaKriss VectorM96 SBSSkorpion vz. 61M102 Barrett