Zombies Plus Workshop
Zombies Plus Workshop

These are the concepts for a trait system in COD Zombies, based on Unique Abilities from Civilization V.

Before a match, a player can rearrange their Unique Trait just like they can arrange their GobbleGum loadout. A player can only have 1 Trait per match, and cannot change their Trait when the match starts.

The goal is to provide a uniqueness to Zombies, tailoring the experience to specific playstyles instead of forcing every player to stick to the same type of playstyle. These would allow players to find roles - whether it be a supporting, tanky, damaging, points hoarding, or etc. type of role.

Some of the Traits may seem stronger than others, of course. Below in the comments, feel free to suggest buffs or nerfs to any of these Traits. I’ve done my best to make all 43 seem unique in their own way.

Optionally - a way to balance this would be to restrict Traits to Unranked games only, and give each specific character a default Trait for Ranked games. I know some people don’t like having bonuses that make the game easier, and that’s fine too, of course!


In total, there are 43 Unique Traits.


Traits are divided into Categories within the menus, allowing players to find one specifically to fine-tune their playstyle.

  • Economical - These traits are meant for players who enjoy focusing most of their games around gaining or spending Points.
  • Gambler - For the players that want to have some fun and variation in their matches, these Traits involve random chance.
  • Hunter - Traits meant for all of the Easter Egg hunters and people who want to get side quests done.
  • Supporter - These Traits are meant for players who primarily play Co-Op and want to support their team in some way. In some cases, this effect is reversed to help teammates aid you.
  • Warrior - Players who use these Traits are focused purely on killing Zombies and getting as far in the rounds as possible.

Economical Traits[]

  • 935 Allegiant - Receive a refund 5 times the cost of your last purchase whenever you trade a Wonder Weapon away.
  • Arsenal of the Damned - All weapons deal half the damage, but all purchases are half the usual cost.
  • Blundell Prize - Gain 9000 points as a refund when swapping a Wonder Weapon or Pack-a-Punched weapon. When reviving a teammate, both you and the revived teammate gain a 10% boost to points earned.
  • Falling to the Light - Wonder Weapons earn double the normal amount of Points.
  • Manifest Destiny - All weapons have 10% more range. Purchasing barriers and doors costs 50% less.
  • Merchant of the Dead - Wall-buys can be activated from a father distance than usual. Double Points Power-Ups drop 10% more often. Buying Ammo doubles your maximum Ammo reserve size for the current weapon (does not stack).
  • Penny Hoarder - Receive 300 Points and a clip of Ammo for each Zombie killed, instead of the usual Points. Receive 200 Points whenever a nearby teammate kills a Zombie.
  • Serenissima - Receive a one-time free purchase after special rounds, and/or after every 5 rounds. Receive 2 after the power is turned on. Start the game with one free purchase.
  • Temple of Mars - Gain a surplus of 20000 points when the Power is turned on.
  • Warlord of the Ruins - Receive triple the points from killing Zombies and rebuilding barriers during the first five rounds of the game.
  • Zombie Tamer - Zombies have a 67% chance to turn into a Turned Zombie, granting 2 clips of Ammo when they do so. Wall Weapons cost 25% less to purchase.

Gambler Traits[]

  • Box of War - Fire Sales spawn 15% more often. 5% chance for a Fire Sale to become a Bonfire Sale. Weapons in the box spin 50% faster for you.
  • Morbid Curiosity - Players who roll the Mystery Box twice in a row grant you 1000 Points. Does not work during a Fire Sale. Players who roll for Special Ammo types twice in a row grant you 2000 Points.
  • Taste Tester - Carry Flavor Hexed as a sixth GobbleGum in your loadout. Flavor Hexed counts as a Classic GobbleGum when this Trait is active.
  • Treasures of the Dead - Killing the last Zombie at the end of a round will grant you with a random GobbleGum that's not in your loadout. Can only occur if there's no current GobbleGum activate, and can only occur if a normal Zombie is killed.*
  • Solidarity - Receive a free random Perk whenever you purchase a Barrier.
  • Wishing Well - Gain 2 random Perks upon purchasing your first 2 Weapons. These Perks are permanent for the rest of the game, but count towards your default Perk limit.

*GobbleGums earned this way are based on rarity - Classic, Mega, Rare Mega, and Ultra-Rare Mega, making it difficult to gain something like Perkaholic consistently.

Hunter Traits[]

  • Apothicon Lore - Perk limit is increased for every Buildable present on the map. Perk limit is lowered each time a Buildable is built, with the minimum being the default amount - but all Perks purchased while the amount is increased are kept, even if the amount is lowered.
  • Fractured Expanse - The barriers of the spawn room are opened at the beginning of the game. Choose the Perk you want when purchasing from Wunderfizz.
  • Pareidolia - Methods of fast travel around the map move 30% faster while the player is on it. Sprint 30% faster up inclines. Gain a slight burst of speed for a few seconds after purchasing or Pack-a-Punching a Weapon.
  • Professional Builder - All player actions are 20% faster - including crafting Buildables, rebuilding barriers, Pack-a-Punching, and drinking Perks. Carpenter has a 20% higher spawn rate.
  • Scourge of the Apocalypse - Elemental effects have their radius doubled. Start with a free random Perk that doesn't count towards your default Perk limit. Refill your Ammo upon crafting a Buildable.
  • Wonder Scholar - Gain a 20% higher chance to pull Easter Egg-related Wonder Weapons from the Mystery Box. Each Buildable the player crafts provides a 1000 Point discount at the Pack-a-Punch machine, at a minimum of 1000.

Supporter Traits[]

  • Can't Stop, Won't Stop - Teammates within 30 meters of you have their ADS and Movement speed increased. Receive Stamin-Up for free at the start of the game.
  • Dead Diplomacy - May spend Points at the beginning of a round to receive a Turned Zombie ally for the rest of the round. Price is 500 Points, increasing by 500 for each use.
  • Dr. Flopper - Sliding or diving nearby a teammate gives them a tick of Armor for the next 15 seconds.
  • Filler Rounds - After turning on the Power, receive a random Perk every 7 rounds. Each Perk given can only be earned once, but it does not count against your Perk limit. After all Perks are handed out at least once, the cycle restarts. This effect applies to all players.
  • Glory to Ultimis - 25% discount on any Weapons or Perks that have already been purchased by a teammate.
  • Heavenly Light - Teammates recover their health faster, and take an extra hit of damage before going down while within 20 meters of you. This effect does not apply to you.
  • Sacrificial Blood - Each Zombie killed by melee gifts Ammo to you and your team, equivalent to 20 bullets per Zombie. Teammates have to be within 15 meters.
  • The House - Teammates provide 50% of the Ammo they expend to you. Teammates provide the same Perks to you if you have an open slot available when they buy a Perk. Receive a copy of the last Gobblegum you used if another player uses the same Gobblegum.
  • Weapon Engineer - Special Ammo effects last 50% longer. You and your teammates move slightly faster and deal 10% more damage when within 10 meters of a Special Ammo effect activating.

Warrior Traits[]

  • Anklebiter - 30% higher chance to create Crawlers. 100% chance to create a Crawler when using a melee attack. Gain a burst of speed whenever a Crawler is created.
  • Blades of Blood - Melee weapons cost 50% less. Melee weapons deal 25% more damage, and scale with rounds. Start with a stronger version of your standard Knife.
  • Blood Fury - Sprint slightly faster when using no Perks at all. Pack-a-Punch Ammo can be bought off the wall for the pre-Packed price.
  • Cavalier - Melee kills have a 30% chance to turn a Zombie into a Turned Zombie. Melee Weapons cost 60% less. Melee attacks deal the same base damage as the last or current weapon held.
  • Ingenuity - The current weapon you're holding gets Pack-a-Punched once the power is turned on. 50% discount on Pack-a-Punching, including Re-Packing.
  • Perks of War - Zombies ignore the player when they are within 2 meters of a Perk machine and standing still. Wunderfizz machines can be used by the player before the Power is turned on, and never run out of spins when the player uses them.
  • Raging Bull - Deal 20% more damage from all weapons for every hit's worth of damage you currently have. Recovering health removes the damage bonus. Pack-a-Punching refills Ammo for all weapons instead of just the current one.
  • Stockpiling - Buying a Perk resets the current amount of placeable explosives you have. Placeable explosive capacity is increased by 2.
  • Wayfinding - Move through barriers without having to purchase them. Deal 20% more damage while within 20 meters of a barrier.
  • Zombie Carnival - Special Ammo Types trigger 50% more often when a Power-Up is active. Earn a 50% chance to refill all of your Ammo when activating a Power-Up.*

*Power-Ups must be triggered by the player in order for the effect to trigger.
