- “Wh-where... where am I?"
"You're in New Elpis... Paradise Island. You're... you're not from around here, are you?” - ―Abigail-Ignotus and Roxanne Summers
Futuristic Arrival is an animated television film set between Futuristic Redemption and Futuristic Midnight directed and written by Jett Wills, who also produced it alongside Jesse Spade. It is distributed and funded by Morningwood Entertainment.
Futuristic Arrival was released on July 18th, 2023 a few days following the release of Futuristic Redemption. A follow-up to Heather Mason and Lena Oxton's story started in Reflection of the Last Legacy and briefly touched upon in Futuristic Arrival, titled Alone Together, released on July 27th.
Abigail-Ignotus, amidst an internal crisis on the nature of her own existence, is accidentally transported to Earth-52319, where she forms a close bond with Roxanne "Rox" Summers. Simultaneously, Rox and the rest of Techno find themselves entering a renewed struggle against an embittered former member of theirs with a personal vendetta against Rox.
Cold Open
- New Elpis, Paradise Island
- July 2nd, 2143 - Earth-52319
The leading members of Techno's Inner Circle, including Demi, gather at the round table of Techno's planning room within their base. Vendetta walks in and closes the door behind him, saying that Siren was outside awaiting the results of their decision. Demi remarks that Siren's co-leadership with Vendetta in the past always had its fair share of problems, which Vendetta nods in agreement with, adding that it has become more of a problem these days. Stratus admits that while Siren's style was a problem, there was something about her that could still benefit Techno, though they'd have to help her on working on her direction as a leader. Vendetta acknowledges Stratus' comment, and states that they would all vote to decide whether or not Siren would step down from her leadership position or maintain her position, but talk to her about changing her leadership style. The five all vote, with Vendetta and Demi voting to demote her while Stratus and Vega opt to have her remain in a leadership position with some changes. Rox, who was rather torn at the decision due to her history with Siren, begins to cast her vote when Siren enters the room, disregarding Vendetta's request to stay outside until all the votes were casted. Siren spots Rox voting to demote her, and angrily asks what the verdict of their votes were altogether.
Siren coldly stares at a visibly uncomfortable Rox as Vendetta gathers everyone's votes and counts them, revealing that the majority has opted to demote Siren from her position in favor of a lower position. Enraged that she had lost her leadership in the group, Siren lashes out at Rox, blaming her for causing this. Siren attempts to approach Rox with the intent to do harm, but is stopped by Demi and Stratus, who tell her to calm down. Siren ignores them and reaches for her weapon, alerting everyone. Before Siren can do anything, Vendetta and Vega restrain and disarm Siren, forcing her out of the room and to one of the exterior exits. Vendetta angrily berates Siren, saying that they all were willing to accept her outside of leadership, but she had now taken it too far with her violent outburst. Vendetta denounces Siren of her membership within Techno and orders her to leave immediately. Siren, still eyeing Rox in the background, begrudgingly complies, vowing revenge on them as she storms away. Vendetta closes the door and disappointingly sighs. Vega asks Rox if she'll be alright, who responds with a quiet nod, having been startled by Siren's actions. Vendetta tells the group that the meeting was adjourned, remarking that they should all change their passwords in the meantime. Rox remains shaken, and Demi tells her that it'll be okay, saying that they are her family friends, and will always help each other out. Rox thanks everyone for supporting her, but remains miffed as she continues to stare at the door Siren left through.
Act I
- Golden Oak University, Northern Florida
- May 7th, 2020 - Earth-61017
In Earth-61017 at Golden Oak University, two months following the massacre at the Museum of Unnatural History, Abigail-Ignotus, having visually changed her appearance drastically, sits alone at a table in the college's cafeteria, picking at her dinner with a fork. A couple of classmates, Heather Mason and Lena Oxton, warmly say hello to Abigail-Ignotus as they walk by, and although Abigail-Ignotus replies with a small wave and smile, she remains quiet. In her head, Abigail-Ignotus keeps flashing back to Ignotus' massacre at the museum while his lingering willpower was in control of her body, the memories he created from the event flowing into her mind and convincing her that she was fully responsible for everything that happened. Abigail-Ignotus puts her elbows on the table and combs her hands through her hair, sighing in discontent. Abigail-Ignotus suddenly hears a strange whirring noise, and looks at her right hand, which was starting to glow with cosmic energy. Startled, Abigail-Ignotus quickly stood up from the table and excused herself outside into the night before anyone could notice.
Abigail-Ignotus tells herself that it wouldn't be long before she can no longer quell her powers seeping into sight, becoming scared. She then pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers as she closed her eyes and sighed, when suddenly she was alerted to another noise, and opened her eyes to see a small mirror-like doorway forming before her. Abigail-Ignotus cautiously approaches the doorway, questioning what it was. Reaffirming herself after failing to see if anyone was watching her nearby, Abigail-Ignotus reached out to the doorway with her hand. At that moment, her powers surged out again, reacting to the doorway which began rapidly pulsating as though it was being altered. Before Abigail-Ignotus could do anything, the doorway began sucking her into it. Abigail-Ignotus tried to free herself from its pull, but remained helpless as she was consumed by the doorway, which closed right behind her. Within the doorway, Abigail-Ignotus is thrown around aimlessly, whirring towards another gateway rapidly closing in within the distance. Abigail-Ignotus braced herself for the worst as she is thrusted into the doorway's blinding light.
- New Elpis, Paradise Island
- November 12th, 2143 - Earth-52319
Meanwhile in Earth-52319, Rox opens the door to her condo, which nearly had all of its contents removed as the early morning sun peered through the windows. Rox picks up the last boxes by her feet at the door, remarking that she was going to miss Paradise Island. Closing the door behind her, Rox carries her boxes to the building's exterior, loading her remaining belongings into the trunk of her hovercar parked out front. Rox rolls up the right sleeve of her jacket slightly and uses her Techno Watch to send a message to Vendetta, saying she was finished packing and was about to leave to join the rest of Techno at Techno Tower in Midnight City. While Rox stares at her former apartment building, Abigail-Ignotus' dimensional doorway opens up nearby, alerting Rox, who watches as Abigail-Ignotus is tossed out of the doorway, closing behind her. Rox rushes to Abigail-Ignotus' aid as Abigail-Ignotus looks around, utterly amazed by the sights of New Elpis. She then spots Rox, which quickly catches her attention. Rox asks if she was okay and reaches out to Abigail-Ignotus to help her out, who is still in awe over Rox. Snapping back to reality, Abigail-Ignotus gets up with Rox's help, stating she was alright before asking where she was. Rox informs Abigail-Ignotus that she was in New Elpis, the capital of Paradise Island, stating that Abigail-Ignotus obviously wasn't from around here. Abigail-Ignotus affirms her inquiry, guessing that she was now in a new universe while saying that where she comes from, there is no such place as Paradise Island, let alone a city with such technological advancements and marvels, ending her sentence as she looked at Rox.
While this happened, Delta and Joker step out of a vehicle, having been keeping an eye on Rox as she was moving stuff out of her condo. Delta radios Siren, saying that Rox was alone apart from some random girl she just met that came out of a portal. Over the radio, Siren tells the two that their orders still stand to bring down Rox regardless of who was with her, which they acknowledge before putting the radio away. The two mercenaries approach the girls, who notice them approaching. Rox asks if there was something they needed, but then recognizes the two. Joker responds that Siren sent her regards, pulling out a weapon. Before Joker even has a chance to aim at Rox, Abigail-Ignotus immediately recognizes the danger and slaps Joker's hand with enough power to force him to drop his weapon, much to everyone's astonishment. Abigail-Ignotus follows-up by punching the disarmed Joker in the face while Rox dodges a punch from Delta, kicking him in the back of the leg. While Rox handled Delta, Abigail-Ignotus continued to beat up Joker. Preparing to finish him off, Abigail-Ignotus is stopped by rapid visions of herself under Ignotus' influence killing the museum massacre survivors, causing her to instead punch him out cold rather than kill him. Rox finishes dealing with Delta, knocking him out as well. She remarks her astoundment to Abigail-Ignotus, who stares at the unconscious first mercenary.
Rox catches her attention, asking if she was okay. Abigail-Ignotus snaps back and tells her she was, adding that they should probably get moving before they wake up. Rox agrees, and snags a radio from Delta before telling Abigail-Ignotus to get in her car. Abigail-Ignotus is caught aback by the sight of her hovercar, but nonetheless gets in. The two race away from the building as they begin traveling through the city. Abigail-Ignotus glances into the side-mirror on her side of the car, noticing her hair was now fully blue. She dismisses this and continues to marvel at the sights of the city when Rox asks for her name, saying she never got to ask. Abigail-Ignotus pauses before stating that her name was Abigail Payne. Rox smiles and introduces herself to Abigail-Ignotus while holding out her free hand for a handshake, warmly saying it was nice to meet her. Abigail-Ignotus concurs before shaking Rox's free hand, while both blushed at one another when they weren't looking at each other. Rox then contacts Vendetta, saying that there was a problem at the apartment building, but it was handled by her with some much needed help from a friend. Abigail-Ignotus smiles as Vendetta asks what kind of problem it was. Rox explains that Siren was targeting her, alerting Vendetta, who tells her to immediately rendezvous with them at Midnight City. Rox acknowledges, saying that she was being joined by her new friend. Vendetta expresses great interest in this new friend before wishing the two safe travels and disconnecting the call.
Abigail-Ignotus thanks Rox for taking her in, who replies with a smile that it was no problem, saying she had a feeling she wanted to come regardless. Looking around once more, Abigail-Ignotus asks where exactly Midnight City was, which Rox explains was located on the North American west coast in the former state of California, briefly explaining the end of the Governments Age to her. Confused, Abigail-Ignotus asks how they would get there, realizing that Paradise Island was an island as Rox continued to drive toward the coastline, eventually reaching it. Rox says that it was simple before pointing out to Abigail-Ignotus a holographic bridge that connects Paradise Island to the mainland, to which Abigail-Ignotus responds that she should've known. Abigail-Ignotus spots a directory sign overhead, stating it was about 200 miles to the North American east cost. She comments that there was still a long distance to Midnight City, to which Rox adds that they won't get there until tomorrow morning. Abigail-Ignotus smiles, saying that she was down for a good-old road trip before asking if they could go eat somewhere, remarking that it was an excuse to try some of the futuristic foods in this universe. Rox agrees to as they drive across the bridge toward the mainland.
Act II
- Los Angeles District, Midnight City
- November 13th, 2143
By the following morning, the two manage to reach the Los Angeles District of Midnight City, the new home city of Techno. Rox drives her hovercar to Techno Tower, Techno's new base of operations, before parking in the parking garage and popping open the truck. Rox and Abigail-Ignotus load Rox's belongings onto a luggare cart and head for the elevator. Along the way, Abigail-Ignotus asks Rox why she was moving in the first place; Rox explains along the way that she was part of Techno, a group of vigilantes that once worked closely with the Mirage Corporation. Following a global blackout that resulted in the loss of the world's number one power source, Atlas International stepped in and provided the world with a sufficient replacement, allowing them to buy out the Mirage Corporation when they declared bankruptcy. Due to them being mainly operated under the Mirage Corporation, Techno also was acquired by Atlas International, which became a subdivision of Atlas International's P.A.R.A.D.O.X. group as its own counter-terrorism task force. Techno was then ordered to relocate to Midnight City while a P.A.R.A.D.O.X. branch would fill in their former position in Paradise Island. Rox wraps up as the two enter her suite, saying that working for Atlas was not so different that what it was before with Mirage, commenting that they now had better resources to utilize.
After parking the cart, the two look around to appreciate how nice it was. Rox points out that each suite was custom-made for each Techno member, explaining that she had a guest bedroom added in her suite just in case someone needed a place to crash, saying that Abigail-Ignotus can have it for herself. Flattered and surprised, Abigail-Ignotus expressed her immense gratitude to Rox. Rox smiles and says it was the least she could do for her savior, causing Abigail-Ignotus to blush in content. At that moment, Rox got a video call from the suite's messaging system from Stratus. Rox answers, and Stratus asks if she was all settled in yet. Rox corrects him, saying that both her and Abigail-Ignotus were settled in. Stratus spots Abigail-Ignotus in the background of the call and asks to see her. Abigail-Ignotus awkwardly approaches the screen and introduces herself to Stratus, who returns the sentiment to her, expressing his thanks to her for helping keep Rox safe from Siren's goons when they couldn't. Abigail-Ignotus thanks Stratus, who in turn tells Rox that the other Inner Circle Leads were gathering at their nerve center for a debrief, asking her to come with Abigail-Ignotus, as the team had much to talk about. Rox agrees and tells Stratus that they'll be down in a couple of minutes before ending the call. The two leave the suite and head to the elevator, where Rox presses a button to nerve center, scanning her watch on the panel for clearance. Once Rox inputted her security clearance, the doors closed and sent the elevator to Techno's command center below the building.
Exiting the elevator, Rox led Abigail-Ignotus down the hall, taking a left to the briefing room. Rox greeted her fellow teammates, who reciprocate the gesture before Rox introduces all of them to Abigail-Ignotus, explaining she comes from a place where the futuristic world they live in currently does not exist. Abigail-Ignotus greets the team, and Vendetta stands up to approach her. Vendetta introduces himself to her, shaking Abigail-Ignotus' hand and also thanking her for keeping Rox safe. Vendetta gestures for Abigail-Ignotus to join the team at the table, and Abigail-Ignotus takes her spot next to Rox. Vendetta walks over to a computer adjacent to the table, asking about the two mercenaries they defeated. Abigail-Ignotus and Rox confirm that it was indeed Delta and Joker, and that they were working for Siren, much to Vendetta's dismay. Abigail-Ignotus asks Vendetta who Siren was, prompting him to pull up Siren's former Techno profile on the overhead screen. Vega starts, explaining that Siren was a former member of Techno who grew vengeful over her demotion from her co-leadership with Vendetta, especially blaming Rox as Siren knew her vote on the matter. Vendetta nods, saying that they hoped Siren would've eventually moved on from the whole thing and calmed down, but evidently she didn't and was still targeting Rox. Stratus adds that Siren will more than likely target all of them at some point, prompting Abigail-Ignotus to say that Siren needed to be dealt with sooner rather than later, stating that if things between Techno and Siren escalated and Siren's methods became ever more hostile, it could affect civilian lives caught in-between. Vega agrees, though she remarks that they have nothing on Siren's whereabouts, let alone to true scale of her operations.
Rox interjects, saying they might have a lead before taking out the radio she took from one of the mercenaries. Rox hands it over to Stratus, asking if there was anything he could do with it. Stratus got up from the table and took it to his workshop, where he began a process to modify the radio. While the others watched, Stratus finished, and took the modified radio to the computer. Connecting a USB cord to it and to the computer, Stratus pulled up a map of the world, and spoke into the radio after modifying his voice to sound like Delta, seeing if a frequency on the map would appear, signifying that the radio was receiving Stratus. After a couple of attempts, the radio on the other end receives, with a voice asking if Delta succeeded in his mission. On the map, a circle began blipping over a warehouse in the Los Angeles District outskirts, revealing that it was where the other radio was at. While the voice tried to get confirmation from "Delta", Stratus disconnected the radio and smashes it into pieces, realizing the voice was his former Tech Agent Ketch. The team use a 3D render projection of the warehouse to observe the structure and begin planning for an infiltration. Rox deduces that the building was more than likely a safehouse operated by Siren to keep tabs on Techno activities within the city; Vendetta agrees, stating that that was where they would start. Despite her not being an officer member of the team, Vendetta asks Abigail-Ignotus if she was willing to join them for the mission, knowing she was a capable fighter, and she happily accepts, much to Rox's approval. Vendetta smiles, saying it was time to gear up.
Stratus tells Abigail-Ignotus to follow him, leading her to his workshop. Stratus explained that with Techno, she'd get special clothing that can be materialized over her current outfit, gifting her her very own Techno Watch. While watching Stratus work, Abigail-Ignotus peered back towards Rox as she talked with Vendetta and Vega, much to Stratus' interest, remarking that she really must care for her before asking if she liked Rox. Abigail-Ignotus immediately blushes, and after a moment, confesses that there was something about Rox that she felt very comfortable about, saying that her company, while short in the long-run, has been some of the best moments of her entire life, though she believes that she doesn't deserve to have someone like Rox. Stratus smiles, saying that while he has only known Rox for just over three years, she certainly was acting a tad different when around Abigail-Ignotus in what little interactions they had with the rest of the team, potentially sharing mutual feelings with her. Abigail-Ignotus continued to blush as Stratus finished inputting a command into a computer, directing Abigail-Ignotus to stand on a nearby scanner. Abigail-Ignotus complies, and stands on the scanner, which scans her and her outfit. Stratus puts another command into the computer, causing the scanner to generate Abigail-Ignotus' new outfit onto her automatically.
Abigail-Ignotus is in awe over her new outfit, and Stratus asks if there was any callsign she wanted to use for her Techno moniker. Abigail-Ignotus pondered for a moment, before recalling the Greek goddess Soteria she learned in school, saying that the name really stuck with her. Stratus says that he too was aware of her, and says that it was perfect for Abigail-Ignotus, who smiles as she embraces her new callsign. Now named Soteria, Abigail-Ignotus steps out of Stratus' workshop to reveal her outfit to the rest of the team, who greatly approve of it; Vega notices Rox blushing at Soteria, though she doesn't say anything apart from retaining a smile, not wanting to draw attention to Rox. Vendetta smiles, and says that she needed some special weaponry of her own. Vendetta takes Soteria to the armory to create her gear, asking if there was anything Soteria liked. Soteria comes across the schematic of an energy sword, reminding her of No Name and the Harbinger as she briefly sees a flash of each weapon manifest in her hand for a moment. Vendetta explains that it was more than just a blunt sword, saying it can send out energy discs with a simple slash to incapacitate enemies among its features, commenting that it was the perfect blend between close-quarters and medium-range combat. Soteria tells Vendetta that it was perfect for her, and picks out the sword schema, which links up to her outfit and dematerializes. Vendetta explains that it was synced to her now, saying she can summon it whenever she needed.
The two regroup with the others back in the briefing room, with Vendetta saying it was showtime. The group plan out an infiltration of the building; Vendetta, Rox and Soteria would get close to the building, dealing with any of Siren's goons on the projected path while Stratus and Vega provide overwatch until it was time to link up with them outside the building, where they would all breach in together and clear out the building simultaneously. Vega and Stratus nod, and Vendetta tells Soteria to show them what she's got as Rox smiles in the background.
A few hours after sunset, Vendetta, Rox and Soteria reach the area where the warehouse was located. Peering over the edge of an adjacent rooftop, the three spot armed guards patrolling the area. Vendetta uses his tactical view within his helmet to scan the area, identifying patrol patterns for Stratus and Vega to use to help get them close to the building without being spotted. During this, Soteria's hand begins to glow, though she quickly shakes it to stop the glow before the others notice. In her head, Soteria begins to become consumed by fear out of what her new allies would think of her origins should her powers become too obvious, fearing that it could jeopardize her friendship with Rox. Nonetheless, Soteria remains focused on the mission to protect her friends no matter what as Stratus checks in on them. Vendetta relays their information to Stratus as he then uses his outfit to manifest his personal sniper rifle, telling Rox and Soteria to advance while ordering Vega and Stratus to guide them to the building. Rox and Soteria nod to each other, both summoning their weapons as they prepare to descend the building.
Rox interacts with her watch, enabling her outfit's nano grasp. Soteria watches as Rox effortlessly sticks to the side of the building before being told to come to the edge. Rox grabs Soteria's arm, allowing Rox's nano grasp to affect Soteria. Holding their hands together, the two walked down the side of the building until they reached the bottom. Rox deactivates the nano grasp before the two girls take cover from a single guard nearby. Soteria readies her sword, asking Vendetta for permission to engage. Vendetta receives confirmation from Stratus and Vega, saying Soteria has permission while he watches through his scope. Soteria nods to Rox before using her sword to send an energy slash toward the guard, which knocks him down. After taking out the other guards, including the patrol commander Gerlock, Soteria and Rox then move up to the back door, signaling for Vendetta to join them. Vendetta acknowledges, telling Stratus and Vega to link up with them before holstering his rifle on his back. Vendetta interacts with his watch, causing a grappling hook to manifest on his left arm.
Priming his grappling hook, Vendetta runs off the edge shoots the hook toward a telephone pole in front of the warehouse. The hook connects, allowing Vendetta to swing down and land in front of the door, his outfit absorbing virtually all of the impact Vendetta would've taken upon hitting the ground after doing a flip. Vendetta remarks that that never got old, prompting Rox to cheekily call Vendetta a showoff, to Soteria's humor. Before long, Stratus and Vega reach the three's position in a van; Stratus opens the van's rear doors as everyone takes some door wedges from it, using them to block off all of the other exterior exits in the warehouse that they weren't going to use. After taking out the security cameras, the team regroups at the door and nod to each other in agreement as Vega and Stratus summon their weapons and Vendetta takes out his rifle, converting it into a marksman rifle. Using his outfit's strength, Vendetta brutally kicks open the door, allowing Techno to engage the completely caught-off guard mercenaries inside. Working together, the team fight through the mercenaries, each having the chance to display their skillsets, such as Rox's quick maneuvering and flanking and Vega's acrobatics.
With the mercenaries dealt with, Techno stack up to enter Ketch's office. Soteria enters first after Stratus breaches the door with his shotgun; however, she is caught off guard by Ketch. Without even realizing, Soteria's fist glows with energy from stress as she punches Ketch in the stomach, sending him flying through the wall and into the main room. A horrified Soteria could only look at what she caused, with Rox staring towards Soteria in confusion. Stratus remarks that what she did was awesome, with Rox asking what she did. However, Soteria cannot answer and begins to break down, fearing rejection, and quickly runs out of the room. Vendetta allows Rox to run after Soteria while he has Stratus check what was on the computer. Wandering through the building, Rox finds Soteria outside the breached door, curled up against the wall and crying. Rox cautiously approaches Soteria, asking what was wrong. Glancing up at Rox, Soteria continues to weep, admitting that there was something she had to tell Rox. Rox asks if she could sit next to her, and Soteria nods while her head is in her arms.
While Soteria continues to cry, Rox tells her to take her time. Soteria tells Rox that she doesn't deserve someone as caring as Rox, let alone her life. Confused, Rox asks what she meant by that. Soteria stops, and sighs heavily. Leaning her head back against the wall, Soteria explains that there was something about her past that she feared Rox would despise. Without being pushy, Rox asks what was wrong; Soteria glances at Rox before finally mustering the courage to explain everything. Soteria explains that she was literally born from two souls that merged into one and that the body she has now belonged to one of them. Soteria stops her story and looks at Rox, who encourages her to keep going. Soteria once again sighs and chokes up slightly, saying that one of the souls was very strong and controlled Soteria for a brief time, forcing her to kill a few people to ensure no one knew the truth of her birth. Soteria remarked that she felt powerless as she watched as she was made to slaughter innocent lives.
Soteria continues, saying that the soul's power that controlled her began to fade. Before it did, it stole the identity of the body she now possesses, using it as an identity for Soteria to use for herself. Once the soul's power was gone, Soteria remarked that it was at that moment she truly felt herself. However, given the situation the soul's power put her in, she was forced to remain as Abigail Payne, though she chose how to approach her new life on her own. Soteria explains that she did so much good with her new life, but ultimately remained haunted by the memories of her temporary possession and inability to fight back, believing that to this day that she still was a monster, especially since she retained the physical powers of the soul that controlled her. Rox rubs Soteria's shoulder, telling her to breathe while Soteria tries to calm down. Rox continues to comfort Soteria, and asks her to look her in the eyes. Soteria wipes her tears and looks at Rox, who stares at her for a moment. Rox tells Soteria that she was no monster, saying that it wasn't her fault for anything and that she shouldn't take the blame for something completely out of her control.
Soteria stops as Rox turns to look forward; she explains that she too believed that something she did was her fault; the vote with Siren. Rox laments that she believed that it was her actions alone that caused Siren to become the person she is today, but with reassurance from everyone that cared for her, she came to realize that Siren was the one who chose to react the way she did, not Rox, and that she wasn't to blame for what Siren did. Rox smiles, and explains that Soteria has reached the point where she too can also come to the same conclusion that Rox made, saying that there were plenty of people who loved and cared for her. Soteria realizes that she was right and begins to smile with amazement while still tearing up. She turns to hug Rox and thanks her for everything, who hugs her back. After a moment, Rox gets up and holds her hand out to Soteria, mirroring their first interaction, and asks if she was ready to move on from a part of her life she couldn't control and take responsibility for. Soteria states that she was before taking her hand and getting up. The two lock eyes, and Soteria tries to say Rox something, thought Rox smiles and reveals she knows what she was going to say: "I love you". Soteria laughs and embraces a kiss from Rox.
Holding their hands together, Rox and Soteria return to the others. Vendetta asks if Soteria was alright; Soteria looks at Rox, who nods, as Soteria says that she was. Stratus, who was hard at work on Ketch's computer, glances up and notices the two continuing to hold their hands together. Stratus, connecting the dots, remarks that he knew it wouldn't be long, congratulating the two. Soteria and Rox both smile as Vendetta takes off his helmet, revealing a smile of approval. Vega also smiles, saying that she knew she saw Rox eyeing Soteria in her new outfit, causing Rox to blush. At that moment, Stratus finishes what he was doing on the computer, saying that he was able to download all the intel on Siren's operations, saying that they got what they came for here. Soteria agrees, adding that a lot more was found here as well, looking at Rox as she says this. Rox smiles, and Vendetta tells the team to return to base. Before leaving, Soteria stops them to explain that there was something she had to tell them, and Rox smiles, supporting her girlfriend as Soteria told the others of her past, who willingly accept Soteria as the person she is now.
Act IV
Back at the nerve center, the team sits at the discussion table, skimming through the intel Stratus recovered. Using the overhead screen, the team closely analyzes the intel, such as Siren receiving funding from a redacted contact before Stratus spots a report regarding the establishment of Siren's headquarters in Neon City. The team arrive at the conclusion that, since Siren was operating as a private military group who illegially established a base in Atlas territory without approval, they would have authority to arrest Siren. Vendetta remarks that Anders has been working with 501st Council member Konstantin Köhler behind the scenes to ensure stability between the 501st Corporation and Atlas International, suggesting they ask Anders to work out a deal with Köhler to allow Techno's operation in Neon City boundaries. Everyone agrees with the plan, and Vendetta and Stratus format a report for Anders while Vega, Rox and Soteria leave for their suites for the night.
That night, at Rox's suite, Soteria tries to get some sleep in her room, but remains restless. Rox lightly knocks on the door, asking if she was still up. Soteria replies that she was, saying she could come in. Rox opens the door and enters the room, explaining that Anders and Köhler worked out a deal and that Techno would have permission to go for Siren. Noticing Soteria's wariness, Rox asks if she was still worried about her reveal earlier. Soteria says that she was slightly anxious from it, but reveals that that was not the main thing of her concern, rather it was actually Siren and her hatred for Rox. Rox sighs and sits at the end of Soteria's bed, saying that there once was a time where she looked up to Siren as a leader and Siren herself looked after Rox and her well-being, but she stops herself, unable to continue. Soteria leans up in bed and reminds her that she can't blame herself for Siren's fall to evil, just like how she told Soteria earlier.
Rox looks at Soteria, who continues by theorizing that Siren perhaps did try to move on, but was manipulated by someone else to become the person they knew now. Rox silently nods to herself, agreeing to Soteria's words. Soteria tells Rox that no matter what happens, whether they successfully arrest Siren for her crimes or even kill her, they should at least try to give Siren the chance to peacefully resolve her hatred. Rox agrees and thanks Soteria for talking to her. Soteria smiles and wishes Rox to get some well-earned rest. Rox thanks Soteria, stating that she loves her before getting up to exit the room. Suddenly, Soteria asks Rox to stop, who turns around confused. Soteria stammers for a moment, asking Rox if it would help if she bunked with her for the night. Rox pauses for a moment, completely fluttered, before accepting her invitation. Soteria smiles as she moves over in bed as Rox closes the door. Rox gets in bed alongside Soteria, sharing a kiss before wishing each other a goodnight sleep.
- Border District, Neon City
- November 14th, 2143 - 8:43am
The following morning, Techno ventures to Neon City, landing their cloaked dropship on an adjacent rooftop to Siren's office building. Vendetta explains to the team that Siren's office was on the top floor, saying that they need to get to her before she can escape. Stratus begins to work on his wrist-mounted tablet, telling the group that he's hacking into the building's systems. After a moment, Stratus' tablet chimes and he turns it off, explaining that he rerouted the building's power elsewhere, buying them time. Vendetta states it was time as he primed his grappling hook and fired it a few floors below the top, ordering his team to hook up. Everyone uses their outfits to hook onto the line, and proceed to ascend up it to where the hook struck. Stratus, who took point, manifested a cutting torch to cut open the glass window, allowing the team to enter. While the team entered, a couple of guards turned the corner of the hall to investigate the noise, and Vega quickly opened fire on them, though one of the guards had turned on their radio beforehand, alerting someone to the intrusion. Techno quickly use the stairwell to reach the top floor, where they find that Echo, one of Siren's loyalists and personal bodyguard, was waiting for them, having been the one who was notified of their intrusion. Echo announces that he had been waiting for this moment before materializing his personal juggernaut armor from his own watch.
Echo opens fire on Techno with his personal light machine gun as Techno are forecd to take cover. Vega asked if anyone had any good ideas to take him out. Looking at Echo from their cover, Soteria says that she has one. She tells Vendetta to draw Echo's fire with his rifle, who complies as he begins to open fire. While Vendetta begins to shoot and Echo is about to engage him, Soteria tells Stratus and Vega to establish a smokescreen using their gear. The two quickly comply, creating a thick wall of smoke that allows Vendetta to use a thermal scope to begin getting easier shots on Echo, who is unable to see Techno. Rox asks what she needed to do, and Soteria holds her hand before glancing down at her outfit's legs. Rox realizes what she was referring to, and gets up to activate her nano grasp. Just as Vendetta prepared to reload his rifle, Soteria used her sword to send an energy slash at Echo, briefly stunning him. Rox and Soteria run out together, wallrunning beside Echo and allowing Soteria to slice through Echo from behind, the sheer strength of her swing causing the hall to shake. This causes debris from the ceiling to crush Echo's body, separating the two girls from the others. Vendetta tells them to go after Siren themselves, saying that they'll be right behind them once they clear the debris. The two nod to each other before rushing up to Siren's office door.
Sharing a look with each other, the two each kick in a door of the double door, confronting Siren. Siren coldly greets Rox, saying that she knew it wouldn't be long before she came after her. Taking after Soteria's advice, Rox says that Siren needed to let go of what happened in the past, saying that she needed to accept what happened and move on. Siren tries to justify by saying she was, though Soteria explains that she was still acting on her emotions that have since been exploited by someone else, saying that needs to break free of her emotions and offers her the chance to at least try to. Siren flinches for a moment, briefly heeding their words and subsequent pleas, but ultimately shakes her head in disapproval, still consumed by her hatred. Siren then gets up from her table and swats it aside, revealing her Forsaken suit was a modified version of her old Techno outfit. Siren tells Rox and Soteria that they could help her by dying, though Rox, with a helpful look from Soteria, states that they can't help her with that. Together, Rox and Soteria both work together to fight Siren, though Siren remained a strong opponent, utilizing her signature rapier and shield to the best of her abilities. Siren tells the two that once Techno is finally destroyed, she would finally be at peace with herself. Using her suit, Siren is able to unleash a shockwave that separates Rox and Soteria, sending them flying to opposite sides of the room. Siren looms above a weakened Rox, and prepares to execute her with her rapier.
Soteria, filled with determination, willingly charges her hand with her cosmic powers. Soteria yells towards Siren, who turns to face her. At that moment, Siren watched as Soteria shot out a blast of cosmic energy, striking Siren in the face and brutally scarring her. While Siren is briefly knocked out after being sent flying into the wall, Soteria helps Rox up in the same manner she always helped Soteria up. Soteria checks on Rox to see if she was okay as their friends enter the destroyed office. Vendetta asks where Siren was, and Soteria nonchalantly points to her buried under some rubble, leaning up against the wall and severely battered as she regains consciousness. Vendetta jokingly calls the two showoffs before walking over to Siren. He solemnly orders Siren to surrender, but Siren instead laughs ruefully, saying she now has the honor to take out all of Techno in one fell swoop. Realizing her intentions, Rox yells for Siren to stop, but she ignores her and presses a button on her suit, revealing that her suit was rigged to detonate within the next thirty seconds, mockingly wishing Techno farewell as she began to laugh maniacally. Stratus yells for everyone to run as the team rushes out of the office and toward the floor with the grappling hook. Siren attempts to follow them, but in unable to get up, having been rendered too weak by Soteria. With very little time, the team quickly dispatch any remaining Forsaken soldiers in their path and zipline out of the building just as Siren's suit detonates, destroying several floors of the building and killing Siren in the process.
On the adjacent rooftop, Techno observes the fiery destruction caused by Siren's detonation. Vendetta solemnly states that he didn't wish for this outcome, but accepts that there was nothing he could've done to bring around the old Siren that once led Techno alongside him. Vega tells Vendetta not to blame himself for Siren's actions, though he remains quiet for a moment. Vendetta soon compiles himself and turns to look at his team, saying that he was proud of all of them today and thanking Rox and Soteria for their efforts. He glances at Soteria, and places his hand on her shoulder, asking if this was something she wanted to keep doing. Soteria, looking at her girlfriend, states that it was, so long as she got to spend all of her time with Rox and her fellow teammates. Vendetta smiles, and declares Soteria as the newest official member of Techno. Everyone cheers for Soteria, who walks up to Rox and holds her hands. Soteria thanks Rox for everything, though Rox smiles, and tells Soteria that she knows what she wants. Soteria smiles, and the two embrace each other and kiss, the others applauding for them. With their embrace fulfilled, Rox asked Soteria if there was anything she wanted to do. Soteria pauses, explaining that with the conflict finally over, it didn't feel right to have the name Abigail Payne anymore; Soteria stated that she had to be named something completely of her own choice, something to define herself and her new life by. After a moment, Soteria turned to look at what was now essentially her family, and after each of them smiled toward her, she announced that from now on, her name would be Paige Bishop.
- Neomuna, Paradise Island
- September 15th, 2143
Outside a TV store, Siren watches a few of the screens broadcasting a breaking news report of Atlas International's successful acquisition of the Mirage Corporation and its assets, including Techno, who are announced to become an official subsidiary of the group within the following weeks, Siren disappointingly crushes her coffee cup in her hand and walks away from the screens. Having spent much time alone to herself, Siren reflected on her actions, wondering to herself if perhaps she was indeed taking things a little too hard.
Before she could continue to ponder, she is stopped by a figure in a trench coat known as The Dealer, who states that they have been keeping an eye on her for a couple of months, stating that they have an offer for her that they know she wouldn't turn down. The Dealer hands Siren a piece of paper, which she reluctantly takes until she notices it was a check. Siren realizes just how much was on the check, and asks the figure what they wanted. The figure smiles, stating that they want to watch Atlas fall, and all those connected to them, including Techno. At that moment, Siren loses all previous train of though regarding her actions as she wickedly smiles at the idea, and states she was on board.
- Present Day
The Dealer silently watches from afar as Forsaken Headquarters burns. The Dealer stares in content at the carnage as the camera pans down to reveal a shoulder patch of an unknown faction on their coat.
Voice Cast
Major Characters
- Valorie Curry as Abigail-Ignotus/Paige Bishop/Soteria
- Tara Strong as Roxanne Summers/Rox
- Allen Keng as Tomiko Hayashi/Vendetta
- Khary Phayton as Victor Payton/Stratus
- April Stewart as Jennifer Reese/Vega
- Allegra Clark as Isabelle Lakewood/Siren
Minor Characters
- Jennifer Paz as Nakata Hayashi/Demi
- Heather Morris as Heather Mason
- Cara Theobold as Lena Oxton
- Matthew Mercer as Delta / Delta Voice Modulator
- Temuera Morrison as Joker
- Kathryn Newton as Samantha Reed/Pulse
- Ian Hanlin as Ketch
- Chad Michael Collins as Gerlock
- Keith Ferguson as Echo
- Eric Roberts as The Dealer
- Main article: Futuristic Arrival/Transcript
- United States
- Northern Florida
- Louisiana (flashback)
- Museum of Unnatural History (flashback)
- Paradise Island
- Midnight City
- Neon City
Prior to the idea of Futuristic Arrival, Jett wanted to continue Abigail-Ignotus' story first started at the end of Chain of Memories in The Final Chapter saga, though he had no interest in continuing her story through his traditional method of episodic maps and instead wanted to focus on a story formatted as a movie similar to his previous movie projects such as The Greatest Threat of All.
On May 6th, 2022, while talking to Jesse on Discord about the multiverse concept and reviving Earth-52319 setting for Jesse's Futuristic Series, Jett saw the opportunity to bring Abigail-Ignotus and her story to Earth-52319, including setting up a potential romantic relationship with Rox. After receiving approval from Jesse, Jett began work on his new project, titled Futuristic Arrival by Jesse, which would be featured as a connecting tie-in story set between Jesse's Futuristic Redemption and Futuristic Midnight projects.
Writing for Futuristic Arrival began on May 9th, 2022 on Google Docs, and was largely completed on the same day. Over the course of the next several months following this, the project saw both major and minor tweeks, namely clearer and/or expanded plot points, though the overall main story, setting and theme remained consistently the same throughout the entire process. On June 11th, 2023, writing for the transcript of Futuristic Arrival began, which was finished on July 14th.
Song | Artist | Location(s) |
If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking (Instrumental) | HOYO-MiX | Official trailer |
Adrenaline | Jack Wall | Raid of the Forsaken Warehouse |
Wotan Awakens | Finishing Move Inc. | Infiltration of Forsaken Headquarters, Battle with Echo |
Wotan Goes Beast Mode | Finishing Move Inc. | Battle with Siren |
Always Been but Never Dreamed | Hydelic | End credits |