Zombies Plus Workshop
Zombies Plus Workshop

For the original version of Inzurrection, see here.

Inzurrection is a storyline created by 900bv. It will contain an unsepcified amount of maps, and is non-canonical to the original zombies story, and any other stories created by the author. It focuses on four surviving members of the British Protection Forces, after the world is decimated by an untraceable meteor strike.

It is explained in the opening cutscene for the first map that supernatural forces were the prime causes of the meteor strike, and that they have started distorting reality, creating a link between the physical universe and the aether.


The Last Sabbath[]

The Last Sabbath

The Last Sabbath is the first map in the storyline, and is set at Black Hawk Military Base. The BPF survivors find themselves waking up in a near-fully destroyed base, being spoken to by an invisible, omnipresent voice. Discovering that their reality has been altered, the survivors must use what they can to keep on living. The threat of zombies starts emerging, and they must keep on living.




Davalar (Occitan: Descend) is the second map in the storyline, and is set in Oradour-sur-Glane. After breaking the first reality-aether link, the BPF survivors are contacted by a more benelovent voice, who teleports them to the ghost town to break the second link, which is located there. This map introduces a selection of new weapons and a new perk, known as Perpetual Foam.


The Machine[]

The Machine

The Machine is the third map in the storyline, and is set in Wentbury Forest, Oregon. However, a large part of the map takes place in the FBI Development Facility, which is hidden underneath the forest. After crashing at the edge of the forest, four new survivors search the forest to find help, or some sort of communications device. However, the forest conceals many secrets, and their journey for help will lead into the inevitable reveals.


Steel Demon[]

Steel Demon

Steel Demon is the fourth map in the storyline, and is set on the Leviathan Oil Platform, in the North Atlantic Ocean. After four survivors broke the link in the Oregon, the focus switches back to the remaining BPF soldiers, who find themselves on Leviathan. They, again, must break a reality-aether link, with further assistance from The Messenger and further hindrance from The Speaker.


Among Angels[]

Among Angels

Among Angels is the fifth map in the storyline, and is set in Manavata, a slum in Jharkhand, India. After explosives were set off on the Leviathan Oil Platform, destroying it, the BPF survivors are teleported to the slum, under the assumption that they must again break a link. The aether voices are shrouded in mysteries, however, and the survivors hold false beliefs that they dont suppress.


Maps The Last SabbathDavalarThe MachineSteel DemonAmong AngelsCurtain Call
Playable Characters Tony "Banzuke" MichaelsJeremy "B.K." CollinsStephen "Crimson" HanelMark "Sambo" Durban
Red TaylorWade KilgoreVix PowellJay Carter
Other Characters The SpeakerThe Messenger
Enemies ZombiesThe MarinerWelders
Utilities Melee-o-Matic MachineMystery BoxPack-a-Punch MachinePerk-a-ColaPerk-a-Snack
Wonder Weapons Bolt FlooderBoneshredderInferno MusketMesmerizerRotorblade
Buildables CommunicatorDiving SuitRemote Explosives
Perk-a-Colas Dehazardous SapDouble Tap II Root BeerElectric CherryJuggernogMule KickPerpetual FoamQuick ReviveSpeed Cola
Perk-A-Snacks Conflict CandyFreezee Ice Cream
Power-Ups CarpenterDouble PointsInsta-KillMax AmmoNukeQuickfoot
Major Easter Eggs Broken Link Series (Broken Link IBroken Link IIBroken Link IIIBroken Link IVBroken Link V)Improvised Communication DevicePurification
Minor Easter Eggs Authentication RequiredJune the 10th
Musical Easter Eggs Fury Oh FuryGive Me Everything You've GotTotal ParanoiaMiseria Cantare (The Beginning)Hero of War
Quotes The Last SabbathDavalarThe MachineSteel DemonAmong AngelsCurtain Call
Miscellany 2018 Meteor StrikeBlack Hawk Military BaseBritish Protection ForcesFBI Development FacilityManavataWentbury Forest

Inzurrection Weapons
Weapon Lists The Last SabbathDavalarThe MachineSteel DemonAmong AngelsCurtain Call
Handguns BFRGlock 18 (also Dual Wield) • SIG P250S&W Model 632St. Etienne 8mmWalther PPS
Rifles/Carbines AK-12Beretta Cx4 StormCZ-805 BRENF2000 TacticalHK33A3L85A1M4A1 CQBRSL8-5WM07
Single-Shot Rifles Little Badger
Sub-Machine Guns CBJ-MSFMG-9KAC PDWPP90M1ST Kinetics CPW
Shotguns Benelli VinciHK CAWSM1894MAULTriple Threat
Sniper Rifles AS50C14 Timberwolf
Light Machine Guns AUG HBARBesalIMI Negev
Projectile-Based Weapons Compound BowPanzerfaust 3
Equipment Buckshot MineCombat TomahawkCrowbarDynamite BundleKnifeM67 GrenadeStrobe Grenade
Wonder Weapons Bolt FlooderBoneshredderInferno MusketMesmerizerRotorblade