This project is dedicated to user Ruby Rose AI, whom is currently comatose and a close friend of Anakin Nakamura.
- “Welcome to the Carnival of Nightmares...where nightmares become reality! Have a spooky time!”
- ―Front Gate Greeting
Karneval der Albträume (German for Carnival of Nightmares) is a Zombies map. It is set within Imperial Reality at a theme park called "Carnival of Nightmares" located in Pennsylvania, United States, and has six main areas with four of them having their own theme centered on a well-known slasher film franchise; these include the Child's Play series, A Nightmare on Elm Street series, Friday the 13th series and the Halloween series.
The map also introduces a new enemy type called "Wrathborn", of which there are four. Each are antagonists from the four franchises; Chucky, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers.
In 2019, Morningwood Entertainment announced a prequel short-film to be directed and written by Jesse Spade based on the project, titled Karneval der Albträume: Anfänge.
The map features a reimagined Rose Squad, each of its members are drastically different than their Eclipse Universe counterparts. The Zombies in this map appear to be under control of a mysterious entity or force, the Hellhounds are also featured in the map alongside Werewolves who appear as a new Special Round enemy. Additionally, the Bad Patch are featured as well alongside a new enemy type called "Wrathborn", Boss-like enemies who are also antagonists of the map's Main Easter Egg "The End Credits". Mr. Skender is featured as the map's Demonic Announcer.
In a similar manner to Origins from Call of Duty: Black Ops II, each of the four areas feature their own Power Grid and thus require their power turned on individually. The Pack-a-Punch Machine returns and is found within The Strip's north section, between the A Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th areas. The Mystery Box returns as well and can be found in all five areas at different locations.
There is only a single new Power-Up called "Triple Points", which triples the points earned for killing Zombies, Hellhounds, Werewolves, rebuilding barriers and Reviving allies. This new Power-Up spawns only if a player has the new Red Riding Soda Perk-a-Cola during a Werewolf Special Round, if upgraded to Pro, this includes the Hellhound Special Round as well.
- Reimagined Rose Squad
- Three new enemy types: Werewolves, Bad Patch and the Wrathborn.
- One reimagined enemy type: Nexus Sentinels
- Several Easter Eggs
- 2 Main Easter Eggs: "Who Is Mr. Skender?" and "The End Credits."
- 4 Minor Easter Eggs
- 5 Musical Easter Eggs
- A new Power-Up: Triple Points.
- New gameplay mechanic: Talismans provide different bonuses.
- Four new Perk-a-Colas: Red Riding Soda, Frost Punch, Torch Tequila and Shockberry Cherry.
- 28 Specialized Weapon Variants exclusive to this map are introduced; fifteen are new (four craftable), four Reprisals, and nine spin-offs.
- Perk Machines and Pack-a-Punch Machine are powered by individual Power Grids instead of one power switch.
- The Pack-a-Punch Machine offers upgrades to Specialized Weapon Variants.
Karneval der Albträume features weapons from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and its 2019 reboot Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
Perk Machines are found throughout the map and require Power in order to be purchased. All Perk-a-Colas featured can be upgraded into "Pro" versions, similar to RoachTheIntelCollector's Power Perks.
Special Enemies[]
Hellhounds, Werewolves and the Bad Patch are all featured as Special Enemies and differ from regular Zombies as having more Health and mechanics to them. Hellhounds and Werewolves only appear during Special Rounds. The Bad Patch appear periodically.
Werewolves are much like Hellhounds, however they have two states: Aggressive and Berserk. Aggressive is their normal behaviour, they'll move around on their back legs and use their claws for attacks, and they are much slower than Hellhounds in this state. Berserk is their alternate behaviour; once they take a certain amount of damage, they'll enter a frenzied state and run on all fours, making them much faster than Hellhounds. They'll also snare players with their attacks in this state and deal more damage.
The Bad Patch are more of a threat to the players than Zombies, Hellhounds, Werewolves and the Wrathborn. Once opening up an area of the map, a Bad Patch member corresponding to that area will spawn. All Bad Patch act the same in terms of health, damage and behaviour; they'll run at a fast pace, attack with both ranged and melee attacks, they'll also pounce on players and, if not knocked off quick enough, steal one of their Perks or Weapons.
Wrathborn are featured as Boss Enemies, and have much different behaviour and mechanics to them than the Bad Patch. This is especially evident in their Health.
As Wrathborn, these enemies are extremely resilient to damage and take a long time to defeat, though once defeated, they are not killed and simply fade away into glowing mystical dust. All four Wrathborn share a universal trait and that is their ability to appear closer to players while they are out of sight from all players. They can also be staggered by certain SWVs, such as Ghastly and Malfeasance. Their attacks deal high damage to players that get too close to them.
Each Wrathborn behave differently than each other.
Out of all four Wrathborn, Chucky is easily the most agile due to his size. Being the fastest, Chucky uses this trait of his to outpace the players, other Wrathborn and the Bad Patch. His signature weapon is a Kitchen Knife, which deals increasing damage with each slash. However, this damage does not stack.
- Freddy Krueger
Freddy Krueger is the only Wrathborn who has the ability to be able to appear at different places at once and uses this tactic against the players. He is considered the most dangerous of all four Wrathborn, but takes more damage from Torch Tequila's Pyro Nade. His signature weapon is his Clawed Glove which can burrow into players and stop them completely for a short duration.
- Jason Voorhees
Jason Voorhees is slowest of the four Wrathborn but makes up for it with his devastating melee attacks. This slowness makes him vulnerable to sustained weapon fire. His signature weapon is his Machete, which deals high damage.
- Michael Myers
Michael Myers is the strongest Wrathborn as he can take the most damage out of all four Wrathborn. This trait of his makes him extremely resilient against melee attacks. His signature weapons are his hands and a Kitchen Knife. The former is used for grabbing the player and weakening them while the latter are his true weapons that deals less damage but does so in quick succession.
Easter Eggs[]
Wanting to take part in the Carnival of Nightmares' special game, "Just Who Is Mr. Skender? Find out!", the girls search the theme park for clues scattered by park's employees.
To continue your journey on finding out more about who Mr. Skender is, The Mysterious Voice you first heard earlier has revealed that to do so, you must defeat the Wrathborn.
Hints of the future have been spotted around the carnival. Maybe you should figure it out...
- The Codex
The Mysterious Voice has said you can learn a lot more if you can find a certain Codex. But where to start...?
- Lusus Naturae by Jeff Williams can be activated by locating four Grimm Manticore figurines.
- The Buddi Song by Bear McCreary can be activated by finding three Good Guys dolls in South Side Chicago.
- Dreamer's Paradise by THE MERKINS can be activated by finding three Freddy Krueger items in Elm Street.
- Every Life I Take by THE MERKINS can be activated by finding three different masks of Jason Voorhees in Camp Crystal Lake.
- Careless Sister by THE MERKINS can be activated by finding four different masks of Michael Myers in Haddonfield.
The Strip[]
The Strip is the starting area in Karneval der Albträume. It is quite a spacious location as it is located directly in-between all five other areas of the map, shown as a nexus point. The Strip is also one of two areas of the map that does not require its Power Grid to be activated. Directly behind the player, they'll find a locked gate that leads to the Haunted Forest area.
The Pack-A-Punch Machine is located in front of the players spawn, but requires the activation of all four Power Grids as each feed power into the machine thus cannot be used until then. Quick Revive is located in this area as well. The M1911, MP7 and M14 are available in this area as Wall Weapons.
South Side Chicago[]
South Side Chicago is an area in Karneval der Albträume. Although not as spacious, the area consists of a street set between two buildings. Several interiors of the buildings are accessible, including the building where the Barclay Residence is located as well as the Toy Store located just across the street.
The Power Grid switch for this area can be activated by accessing the Maintenance section beneath the Apartment Building. Juggernog, Stamin-Up and Shockberry Cherry are all found within this area; Juggernog is within the Toy Store, Stamin-Up is within the Apartment Building's Lobby and Shockberry Cherry is within the Living Room of the Barclay Residence. There are a total of 5 locations for the Mystery Box in this area. The Fennec, M249 SAW, JAK-12 and M19 are available in this area as Wall Weapons. A Grimm Manticore figurine is found within Andy Barclay's Bedroom, sitting on the dresser. Three Good Guys dolls are located in this area; the first is in the Living Room of the Barclay Residence, the second is in the Toy Store but isn't in the packaging and the third is in the elevator of the Apartment Building.
When the players unlock this area, the Bad Patch member Chucky will spawn and attacks players. He'll reappear periodically every four rounds after being defeated the first time, only if three players are in the area.
Elm Street[]
Elm Street is an area in Karneval der Albträume. It consists of a one-way street with multiple houses, three of which have accessible interiors including the Thompson Residence, Gray Residence and an Unknown Residence at the end of the street, which is the maintenance residence. The entire area is open but doors leading to the Residences' backyards need to be bought with Points.
The Power Grid switch for this area is located within the Maintenance Residence's Master Bedroom. Speed Cola, Deadshot Daiquiri and Frost Punch are all found within this area: Speed Cola is found within the Thompson Residence, Deadshot Daiquiri is found within the Gray Residence and Frost Punch is found just beside the front door of the Maintenance Residence. There are a total of 5 locations for the Mystery Box in this area. The M4 Carbine, R700, P90 and VLK Rogue are available in this area as Wall Weapons. A Grimm Manticore figurine is found within Nancy's Bedroom in the Thompson Residence, sitting on the bedside table. Three Freddy Krueger-related items are found in this area; the first is Freddy's Glove which is found in Nancy's Bedroom within the Thompson Residence, the second is Freddy's Fedora which is found resting on the kitchen counter within the Gray Residence and the third is Freddy's Red-Green Stripped Sweater which is found in the Unknown Residence on a stack of folded laundry.
When this area is first unlocked, the Bad Patch member Freddy will spawn and attacks players. He'll reappear periodically every four rounds after being defeated the first time, only if three players are in the area.
Camp Crystal Lake[]
Camp Crystal Lake is an area in Karneval der Albträume. It is the most open area of all on the map, as the Main House and nearly all but three of the cabins are accessible. Though, each of these cabins contain 3 doors that can be bought with Points.
The Power Grid switch is found at the most-north part of the area behind a Cabin. Double Tap II, PhD Flopper, Red Riding Soda and Torch Tequila are all found within this area: Double Tap II is found within the Living Room of the Main House, PhD Flopper is found in the Cabin located near the Dock, Red Riding Soda is found to the right of the area's entrance and Torch Tequila is found opposite of the Power Grid switch. There are a total of 5 locations for the Mystery Box in this area. The M16A4, Kar98k, UMP45 and X16 are available in this area as Wall Weapons. A Grimm Manticore figurine is found within the Master Bedroom of the Main House. Three of Jason Voorhees' masks are found in this area; the first is Jason's first Mask that is found in the Kitchen of the Main House, the second is Jason's ANB Mask that is found Cabin 3's Living Room and the third is Jason's TFF Mask that is found on a barrel at the Dock of Crystal Lake.
When this area is first unlocked, the Bad Patch member Jason will spawn and attack players. He'll reappear periodically every three rounds after being defeated the first time, only if three players are in the area.
Haddonfield is an area in Karneval der Albträume. Similar to the Elm Street area, the Haddonfield area is a street, though it is not a one-way street as it leads to the Smith's Grove Sanitarium. On the street, there are several accessible interiors including the Strode Residence, Myers Residence, Van Der Klok Residence, Brackett Residence and an Unknown Residence serving as the maintenance residence. Smith's Grove Sanitarium is quite larger and has most of its interior accessible.
The Power Grid switch is found within the Unknown Residence's Kitchen. Mule Kick, Electric Cherry II, Widow's Wine and Who's Who II are all found within this area: Mule Kick is located in the Master Bedroom of the Strode Residence, Electric Cherry II is found on the Porch of the Brackett Residence, Widow's Wine is found within Michael Myers's cell in Smith's Grove and Who's Who II is found at the Front Gate of Smith's Grove. There are a total of 5 locations for the Mystery Box in this area. The G36C, M14, M40A3, MP5, MP7, FiNN LMG, RPD, M1014, Desert Eagle and Renetti are available in this area as Wall Weapons. A Grimm Manticore figurine is found within the Downstairs Bathroom of the Van Der Klok Residence. Four of Michael Myers' masks are found in this area; the first is Michael's Original Mask that is found within Laurie's Room in the Strode Residence, the second is Michael's H20 Mask that is found within Lynda's Room in the Van Der Klok Residence, the third is Michael's Remake Mask that is found within the Basement of the Myers Residence and the fourth is Michael's 2018 Mask that is found within Annie's Room in the Brackett Residence.
When this area is first unlocked, the Bad Patch member Michael will spawn and attack players. He'll reappear periodically every four rounds after being defeated the first time, only if three players are in the area.
The Castle[]
The Castle is an area in Karneval der Albträume. It is located north of The Strip and its front gate costs 2500 Points to purchase. The Castle is quite spacious as Camp Crystal Lake and Smith's Grove Sanitarium, as it includes a courtyard, three basement floors, a Central Dungeon, first and second floor interiors along with a Tower first floor and a large staircase that leads to its highest point, which contains Mr. Skender's Office.
The Castle area does not feature a Power Grid, thus does not contribute to the Pack-A-Punch Machine's need for power. There are no Perks found in this area and the only weapon in this area is the Bane of the Hive, a powerful Sword, and there are no locations for the Mystery Box.
Haunted Forest[]
The Haunted Forest is an area in Karneval der Albträume. It remains locked until players reach Step 4 of "Who Is Mr. Skender?" The area is a dark forest with filled with entities known as Apparitions and another enemy. It contains only a single area which is a pathway leading to the Central House.
The Haunted Forest area does not feature a Power Grid, thus does not contribute to the Pack-A-Punch Machine's need for power. There are no Perks found in this area and the only weapon in this area is The Return, a powerful Shotgun, and there are no locations for the Mystery Box.
- Main article: Karneval der Albträume/Transcripts
When the players summon a Wrathborn, a musical theme will play that corresponds to that Wrathborn during the fight to defeat them.
Survival Mode[]
After the completion of both Main Easter Eggs, players will unlock the four Slasher Franchise areas as bonus Survival maps. In these bonus maps, players will play as Karen Barclay, Nancy Thompson, Alice Hardy and Laurie Strode. Locations for all available Perk-a-Colas and Wall Weapons from the main map have been placed in various spots and the Musical Easter Eggs can be activated on these maps. A Bad Patch corresponding to a map's Slasher Franchise theme will periodically spawn every 6 Rounds. Wrathborn can also be summoned in these maps, provided players have a Curated SWV with Fright Scope to find Sigils.
Additionally, these bonus maps have been given different names:
- Child's Play: South Chicago
- A Nightmare on Elm Street
- Friday the 13th: Camp Crystal Lake
- Halloween: Haddonfield
- Being set in 2009, the map features weapons from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and its 2019 reboot Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
- Immediately after the Opening Cutscene, the character Yang Xiao Long makes a reference to Call of Duty: World at War Zombies.
- Alternis has special dialogue regarding the Werewolves.
- Furthermore the character Ruby Rose knows who the Bad Patch members are and most likely knows the folklore surrounding them.
- The character Ruby Rose enters a "fangirl" state everytime she enters certain areas.
- Barclay Residence
- Chicago Toy Store
- Thompson Residence
- Camp Crystal Lake Main House
- Camp Crystal Lake Dock
- Strode Residence
- Myers Residence
- Smith's Grove Sanitarium
- The Musical Easter Egg "The Buddi Song" comes from the 2019 film remake/reboot of 1988's Child's Play.
- This also plays when the players first encounter the Bad Patch member Chucky.
- The Musical Easter Egg "Dreamer's Paradise" is a parody of "Gangster's Paradise" by Coolio.
- This also plays when the players first encounter the Bad Patch member Freddy.
- The Musical Easter Egg "Every Life I Take" is a parody of "Every Breath You Take" by The Police.
- This also plays when the players first encounter the Bad Patch member Jason.
- The Musical Easter Egg "Careless Sister" is a parody of "Careless Whisper" by George Michael.
- This also plays when the players first encounter the Bad Patch member Michael.