Zombies Plus Workshop
Zombies Plus Workshop
Previous level Ascension
Next level Auringonlasku
Storyline A Darker Shade of White
Character(s) Edward Richtofen
Frederick Schuster
Nicklas Groph
Henry Porter
Place Waffenfabrik der Riese, Breslau, Germany
Date 1937
Objective Survive for as long as possible against limitless waves of zombies
Enemies Zombies
Console codename zm_935

“Group 935 didn't conduct their research easily. A few accidents led to them fighting for survival. Relive their final fight, and try to survive...”
―Level Description

Verhängnis (German: Doom) is the ninth map in the Zombies storyline and first in A Darker Shade of White. It is a homage to fan-favourite map Der Riese and involves old-style gameplay with no long easter eggs.


Opening Cutscene[]

The transcript can be found here.

The beginning of the scene shows Richtofen and Schuster walking through a corridor discussing MDT chip. Groph rushes down the stairs with zombies in hot pursuit. The three characters rush to Porters office and warn him of the accident. Porter puts a briefcase on the table and opens it, revealing 4 Colt .45s.

The Map[]

The map follows an extremely similar style to Der Riese, utilizing tight corners and large courtyard areas. The main difference is the lack of 3 teleporters. Instead, in the starting room their is a large teleporter which, when the power is on, can be used to reach the Pack-a-Punch Machine room, which is a return to the Der Riese starting room.



To complete the Der Riese tribute is the loadout which is exactly the same. This includes the Wunderwaffe DG-2, PPSh-41 and other favourites. This makes the two maps the only pair to have the exact same loadout.

The enemies are regular Zombies and of course Hellhounds. Verhängnis brings back the combined rounds, so definitely watch out for Hellhounds in normal rounds. On rare occasions however, during a Hellhound round a few regular Zombies will spawn to trick the player, making it difficult to follow the rounds.

The Pack-a-Punch Machine is unlocked when you turn on the power and use the teleporter in the starting room. You will arrive in Der Rieses starting room and the door is down. You get 30 seconds to upgrade before being teleported back. This also acts as the location for Speed Cola.


Main article: Verhängnis/Weapon List

Easter Eggs[]




Main article: Verhängnis/Quotes


Main article: Verhängnis/Radios


Name Requirements
Playdate Complete Verstecken Spielen
Acquire Waffle Weapons, Again! Acquire the Wunderwaffe DG-2, the Ray Gun and the Monkey Bombs simultaneously
Eddie's First Game Activate Radio 3
Chug-a-Jugg Purchase Juggernog in 15 different games
Point Whore Never pick up a Nuke for an entire game lasting at least 15 rounds

Quick Overview[]


  • This map is referenced in Schule der Untoten.
  • Verhängnis is planned to be the second map on the wiki to be turned into a custom map.
A Darker Shade of White
N/A----------------------------------------Elemental Overload
Maps VerhängnisAuringonlaskuEiswüsteNichtverrücktDer NiedergangKeine Möglichkeit
Characters Edward RichtofenFrederick SchusterNicklas GrophHenry Porter
Tank DempseyNikolai BelinskiTakeo Masaki
Ray DaviesLee MarvinMartin BalsamSimone Signoret
Karl Dönitz
Utilities Super Punch MachinePower-Up RouletteMagma Punch Machine
Enemies Propane ZombieMalignant SpiritPsychopathGeorge A. RomeroKarl Dönitz
Wonder Weapons Monkey BombRay GunWunderwaffe DG-2

Demon's BreathJ2 HellRazorKosmische StrahlLiekkikranaattiVolt Thrower DG-1WunderschrotflinteZ59 Buzzsaws

Perk-A-Cola's Flak DanielsReconnaissance RumStalk-XHerrods Whiskey 2.0AccurationSoldier Soda
Power-Ups AcceleratorPerk-a-holicSleepinessEngageAether Storm
Anti Power-Ups Shattered SystemFluid RemoverBubblicious
Major Easter Eggs Verstecken SpielenDeath ProcrastinationMDT Editing109 QuestLong LostThe Power
Minor Easter Eggs Spiritual ExcisionInfinity DrinksReturn of the NachtEnd of the LineFour Mans LandBang Bang
Musical Easter Eggs Beauty of Annihilation 2.0The Prolonged LifeScissorlipsAll Day and All of the NightIn the House - In a HeartbeatThe Humbling RiverWherever You Will GoShort Change Hero
Quotes VerhängnisAuringonlaskuEiswüsteNichtverrücktDer NiedergangKeine Möglichkeit
Radios VerhängnisAuringonlaskuEiswüsteNichtverrücktDer NiedergangKeine Möglichkeit