Zombies Plus Workshop
Zombies Plus Workshop

If you have over 50 edits and have taken a liking to this Wiki's community, feel free to add your gamertag/PSN account/Steam account/Wii friend code-thingy-mah-bobber here and add everyone in your group!

Xbox Live[]

  • Chestnut808 - Toasty Sokk (Xbox 360) (TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN, BABY!)
  • Magma-Man - SubVisser 24 (Xbox 360/Xbox One)
  • btal72 - btal72 (Xbox 360 / Xbox One) [Usually no LIVE, so I'm on Steam/PC more]
  • Pack-A-merPunch'd - a11EYEZonME 11 (Xbox 360) (Shared Account)
  • Ebon Shadowshot - NostalgiaFreak (Xbox 360/Xbox One)
  • Violet - EpicIcefeather (Xbox 360) (Because I'm just epic like that)
  • 900bv - The900bv
  • Damac1214 - MountainMac (Xbox 360/Xbox One)
  • TheDoctor115 - ZomBieSLAyR455 (Xbox 360) [make sure to get the capital letters right and stuff]
  • Animal Crossing Leader - zjCHICKEN12 (Xbox 360) (although I also use XDK Raskull XDK and a boy named Jeb)
  • DrAssassin - SoLongSoldier (Xbox 360)
  • Fusionwilliam - Blazingnyancat (Xbox One) [Advanced Warfare and, Black Ops 3]
  • Birdpaw - IncensedFall368 (Xbox 360) (Pretty sure the numbers are right x3, don't have gold though)
  • Crystar800 - Crystar500 (Xbox One) (My Gold may expire soon, but add me anyway as I leech the 14 day trial.)
  • Greedyselfish - greedyselfish97 (Xbox One) [Same as my regular name but all lower caps and with 97 added.]
  • Icestormshadow - Shadowstorm4321 (Xbox One and 360) (Black Ops I, II, and III)

PlayStation Network[]

PC (Steam)[]

Join the Steam Community Group[]

Message Magma-Man for an invite.



Region: Wikia[]
